Now it is a year and a half since the crisis hit Iceland and the dust is starting to settle. Like I showed in my clip of "visible wounds" the empty spaces in the city centre are even starting to get some colour and activity. This has been done with some benches and paint and I think it´s great that people take matters into their own hand just to change the scene a little. With little cost and just some vision, you can change so much with so little.
There is a lot of energy that lies within people that tend to resurface in crisis times. When people have it too cozy and easy they tend to get lazy. When you don´t have to work hard on achieving stuff, things are taken for granted.
One thing i noticed when I was in Iceland was that everybody was knitting. And I mean everyone. Knitting was on it´s way to be forgotten in many ways but now you see parents teaching their children, people rekindling old knitting talent and Icelandic facebook statuses are filled with knitting tips and people posting pictures from latest "knits".
Knitting is not only becoming "hot" in Iceland. You see it everywhere these days. People seem to have more time to sit down and use their hands and mind to create something. It does not cost a lot of money and it is quite mind soothing. Some knit after recipes and others use it to create something brand new.
I´m gonna look at this knitting phenomena somewhat... it fascinates me.
Here are some knitting Icelanders I met..
And like you see, when something is "in" in Iceland...

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