Criceland is a diploma project in the city of Reykjavik Iceland. Focusing on recent events in Iceland, financial meltdown followed by a full stop in the building industry creating skeletons, empty lots and half built neighbourhoods.
I visited Lauras blog today ( a fellow diploma student) and found some interesting connections to my project. She talked about acupuncture architecture and a couple of posts down you can see a danish movie about making connections which reminded me somewhat of my project.
No Iceland trip executed this week due to Mr. MonsterVolcanoGlacier but I look hopefully towards monday....
I´m goint to focus mainly on DAV (the other world exercises) in Iceland and I´m gonna post pictures and movies on Google Maps/Earth and publish here ofcourse... I plan to post at least one new item each day and by that make a comprehensive map of my sites and the space between them.
By now I have 10 sites in the city centre I´m working with. It remains to be seen if I keep them all but I think the most interesting thing about them is that they show such a wide specter of different plots, going through different kind of city structure, from highly dense to wide open.
And here is a movie I really like by BLU....It´s me walking around Reykjavik.
Last week a big report on what happened leading up to the collapse was released in Iceland. In this report everything comes into light, all the corruption, who did what and where and why... Some politicians have resigned after being implicated in corruption.
Things come out that are so outrageous that a normal little architect brain like mine has no way of understanding how morality can be so utterly absent with my fellow countrymen.
And at the same time Eyjafjallajökull explodes and carries ash all over the world... I think it got a little discusted with us and wanted to clean out good....
My friend Mr. Monstervolcanoglacier is keeping me in Norway for the time being. That´s sucks a little but I´ll use it to inspire my work instead...
Reykjavík engulfed in ash cloud... citizens transported to Svalbard.....
And since the devil is finally here I´ll share a slideshow of what will happen to the world after we´re gone.... which will probably start on wednesday when Katla awakes... Take a look!
I was recommended thisblog post by a man that once was Mr. RedHair in Holland.
In polls it shows that well over 90% of tourists are happy with Reykjavík. They like the city, think it´s clean and has a lot to offer...but lacks maybe the element of surprise.
But as you can see in this blog this tourist saw something he didn´t expect.
Here are some basic registrations of Iceland and Reykjavík.This is an ongoing process and more information will be added now and then.This friday we have a workshop/confrontation with our projects so things are slowly becoming clearer on where and what I want to work with. View:Press Full. Then chooze "zoom" down in the right corner and there "zoom to page". Analysis