Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Analyse this

Here are some basic registrations of Iceland and Reykjavík.This is an ongoing process and more information will be added now and then.This friday we have a workshop/confrontation with our projects so things are slowly becoming clearer on where and what I want to work with.
View:Press Full. Then chooze "zoom" down in the right corner and there "zoom to page".
View more documents from ollabolla.


  1. Auðvitað les ég bloggið þitt ;) .. en ég sé ekki allan textann, það er eins og það vanti smá hægra megin ;/ ..

    Kv Hrafnhildur

  2. linking 2 posts i read today: http://b4uu.blogspot.com/2010/04/reykjavik.html

  3. Thank you Ron... that´s a good one!

    Já Hrabba... hvað í andsk? Ég veit ekki af hverju þetta varð svona!
